Tuesday, October 9, 2012

7 things you need to stop doing to lose weight

This are only 7 things you need to stop doing to lose weight!
Today is Friday, but I’ll definitely start my diet Monday.”
For some odd reason everybody wants to start a diet on a Monday. It doesn’t matter which day of  the week it is, if it’s morning or night, summer or winter what matters is that you START. Don’t wait for ‘Monday” or for ‘summer time’ so that you can get fit, just do it! I’ve seen this over a million times with hundredths of women, they all say “Monday” they’ll start but when the time comes they only say  “next Monday” and it goes on and on and they never start.
“I wish I looked like Jlo… ugh I need to lose weight”
A lot of us tend to look at celebrities or other women and compare ourselves to them, then decide to lose weight because we want to look like them. Ladies please stop comparing yourself to others, you are beautiful and everything about you makes you unique. You can lose 50 Lbs. and even then you will never look like Beyonce because we’re all different in our own kind of way. Losing weight for the wrong reasons is one of the most common mistakes women make. Don’t decide to get fit because you want to look like the girl next door or because you want to please somebody else etc. do it because YOU want to do it for YOURSELF.
“I’m going to eat once a day to lose weight”
I know a lot of people who said this including myself and by the end of the day I was starving and over eating. But why? Because I had not educated myself on how to succeed at losing weight. A lot of people believe that by eating very little you will lose weight. Wrong, you can’t just eat very little or ‘once a day’ and lose FAT without exercising. Before you decide on a ‘plan’ or ‘diet’ to lose weight you need to educate yourself. Read magazines, Research online or Watch videos about people who have lost weight and how they did it. It’s very important for you to KNOW how you will achieve your desire weight, and the only way to know is by researching information.
I want to lose 50 Lbs. in 2 months”
Unless you get a liposuction, tummy tuck or  you eat air and exercise 22 hours per week for 8 weeks, you will never lose that much in 2 months.  Many of us make unrealistic goals like this, you must make a realistic goal like losing 2-10Lbs a month. Doctors recommend losing 1 to 2 pounds per week by eating healthy and exercising. If you don’t know how many calories you should eat and burn a day to lose your desire weight then go online and look for a calorie calculator, just enter your height, weight, age, gender and activity level and it automatically tells you how many calories per day you should eat to lose weight.
“I’m on a diet, but as soon as I lose weight I can eat pizza”
Eating healthy shouldn’t be ‘dieting’ it should be a lifestyle. People tend to believe that by eating ‘right’ for a certain amount of time you will lose weight and then you can continue to eat junk food and still maintain the same weight. You can’t lose weight and then go back to eating unhealthy without exercising and expect your body to maintain the same weight, that is why you must teach yourself to love healthy food and exercise at least twice a week.
“I have no time  to exercise!”
Stop making excuses there is always time! Instead of watching an episode of the real housewives of NYC eating Doritos go outside and exercise or even watch workout videos. If you’re a stay at home mom take your kids outside or to the park and play with them believe me you will lose at least 300 calories! If you work you can always make an effort and wake up 1 hour earlier and exercise it’s a great way to gain energies in the morning.
“I’m fat.”
It’s all in the mind, the more you think of yourself as fat the more you will act like a fat person. You need to start thinking slim so that your brain can act slim. Don’t put yourself down instead get motivated and know that you’re beautiful. Try it today, call yourself sexy and fit and watch how you begin to feel confident and suddenly begin to want to eat healthier food.

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